It's Getting a Little Misty in Here, A Reflection on DTJ

It's Getting a Little Misty in Here

A Reflection on Dallas Theatre Journal

It's hard to believe it, but it's been nearly a year since Dallas Theatre Journal took flight! On one hand, it seems like I've been doing this forever, on the other hand, it seems like I just got started. Either way, I feel right at home. After a few months, I was able to bring on more reviewers, who have so graciously offered their time and efforts to the cause, and I can say with confidence that their contributions have taken us to where we are today. David "Ellivloc" and Aubrey Tarantine were two of the first ones to jump on board! Eddy Herring joined shortly after. And these three have been an absolute joy to work with and deserve every bit of praise they receive for their hard work. Thank you so much guys! You have spurred me onward, and been a rock when I needed it the most. Your commitment and friendships mean so much to me and to our community.  

I am also so touched by the welcome we've received from the Dallas-Fort Worth area Theatre companies and venues. When I first got started, I didn't realize there was such a need for reviewers. I knew of a few reviewers and networking review journals (so to speak,) but I thought it would take longer before we got to where we are, today. About an hour after I announced myself on Social media as a Theatre Journalist, I had two invitations by Carol Rice to review one play at Richardson Theatre Centre and another play at Rover Dramawerks, both of whom welcomed me with open arms. Within a few weeks, I had emails and phone calls from directors, producers, Theatre companies, and anyone needing a reviewer, all requesting me to come and see their show. I will tell you, I've seen more productions (and some really amazing ones, at that!) this year than I've seen in the entire 15 years I've lived in DFW. I've met more amazing people, seen more actors knock a performance out of the park, more directors give life to a mundane script and seen more producers  welcome new ideas and renewed thinking than I have in my entire life. (On that note, don't ask me my age.) 

Thirdly, what an amazing community we have! Our Dallas Theatre Journal Members group has over 550 members at this very moment, and we are still growing! Not only have I witnessed more authenticity among performances, I've seen so much supportive networking and genuine care within our group. It's so much easier to brew nasty, hateful competition among one another, especially in terms of "who is a better theater?" or "I would've played that part better" with an attitude of "why should I help them?!" But, we're kind enough, mature enough and caring enough to help each other out-- helping each theater and each individual do their best, for the sake of the Art. Now, I'm not saying that nasty competition doesn't exist within the DFW Theatre community-- of course, it does! But, as a majority, that's not what I've witnessed, and that's something to be proud of! 

Without a doubt, being a journalist for the DFW Theatre community has been one of the best decisions I've ever made and I've had some of the most incredible experiences I could've ever asked for. I look forward to continuing to grow with y'all and see what marvelous things you come up with next! 

Natalie Shaw
