Mocky Horror Picture Show Burns the Mario Brothers
Reviewed by Andrew and Natalie Shaw
Local comedians, Daniel Gallagher, Liz Barksdale and Albie Robles met at Texas Theater in Oak Cliff last night to roast the Mario Brothers movie. If you were expecting to see the beloved Mario and Luigi from our nostalgic Nintendo games, think again. Some movies are so bad, they are desperate to be made fun of! Luckily for us, the Mocky Horror goofballs are here to do just that!
What exactly is Mocky Horror Picture Show, you ask? It's Dallas' very own version of Mystery Science Theater! How on earth did we get so lucky to have something like this?!
I'll openly admit, I didn't actually get to attend this event. I'm fighting a terrible head-cold right now, so if I start to sound a little off-the-wall, blame it on the Sudaphed. I did, however, send a delegate, because this was going to be way too good to miss! I "volun-told" my husband to go in my stead. But, it didn't take much convincing, since we were already working out logistics for him to go with me, anyway. He didn't want to miss it, either! We made a deal that, if he watched it, I'd write it!
Not surprisingly, it was better than we even expected. The good ol' Texas Theater hosted the event, boasting genuine props from the actual movie, brought by movie prop collector, Blake Dumesnil, to set the tone. Upon arrival, audience members received a goody-bag with movie-themed toys, like a paper pizza, a slinky, a maraca and a punchy-fist launcher thingy, that were used for audience interaction during the film.
Gallagher, Barksdale and Robles use several types of humor while roasting the film, like dry humor, puns, and even a mild sense of vulgarity. Although we can vouch that children under thirteen attended the event, and likely did not catch on to any vulgarity used, we recommend that each parent use his/her judgement on this one. In addition to stand-up style comedy during the film, this version of the movie brags an intro and "extra" bits and clips from the Mario Bros. game that we all know and love for added laughs.
Sad you missed it? Me too! If you did make it to the show, you're one of the luck ones. Find out when the comedic trio will return with their next Mocky Horror Show at, and I'll see you there!
Y'all Enjoy!
Natalie and Andrew Shaw
Audience Rating: PG for some vulgarity
Accessible Seating: Available
Hearing Devices: Not Available
Sensory Friendly Showing: Not available
Noises or Visuals to Know About: Interactivity with noise from the audience
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