Review: Lyric Stage's CINDERELLA is magical at Majestic Theatre!


Music by Richard Rogers
Original Book & Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
New Book by Douglas Carter Beane
Stage Director/Choreographer Penny Ayn Maas
Music Director/Music Supervisor Bruce Greer

Lyric Stage’s production of Rogers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella can be summed up in one word, magical! The beautiful Baroque-style Majestic Theatre is the perfect setting for a fairytale kingdom and Lyric Stage took advantage of the space, even incorporating action into the balcony boxes that flank the stage. The lighting & sound design (Scott Guenther & Bill Eickenloff) coupled with the onstage presence of the Lyric Stage Orchestra pulled the audience into the beloved fairytale. 

Douglas Carter Beane updated the book for the 2013 Broadway version of the classic story, adding a new character, making changes to other characters, and embedding a few new themes that give Cinderella a chance to control her own destiny. Rachel Nicole Poole plays a feisty Cinderella, a charmer changing the world with kindness. Julia Rose Hartman plays Madame, the stepmother, who is caustic and clueless. Tara Park (Charlotte) and Elise Mendoza (Gabrielle) play Madame's real daughters who are not immune to their mother's criticism.  The new character Jean-Michel, played earnestly by Ryan Michael Friedman, injects social consciousness into the book on his way to winning Gabrielle’s heart.

Sadat Hossain’s Prince Topher is a multi-faceted character who grows into his destiny after meeting Cinderella. That growth allows him to thwart the machinations of Sebastian, who has taken over management of the kingdom after the death of Topher’s parents. B.J. Cleveland plays a delightfully pompous Sebastian, as he wields the power of the throne from behind the prince’s back.

Sydney Cornelius is powerful as Marie, the fairy godmother who teaches Cinderella to believe in herself and go change the world. Jonah Munroe plays Lord Pinkleton, the most entertaining town crier ever. A very talented ensemble rounded out the cast as townspeople, ball guests, castle staff, and even animals. Costume Designer Tricia Guenther does an excellent job of differentiating status and pulling off several rapid quick costume changes.

The beloved songs are all here, from Cinderella’s poignant “In My Own Little Corner” to the rousing “The Prince is Giving a Ball,” the hysterical “Stepsister’s Lament,” and the beautiful ballad “Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful.”

If there is any fault to be found within Lyric Stage’s production of Cinderella, it is only that the show only runs August 24-27. Hear ye, Hear ye! Get thee to The Majestic Theatre for a truly magical performance. Get your tickets. LYRICSTAGE.ORG.

 Experience Live Theater!

Glynda Welch

Audience Rating: G

Running Time: 2 ½ hours including 15 minute intermission

Accessible Seating: Available

Hearing Devices: Not Available

Sensory Friendly Performance: Not Available

Production Sound Level: Comfortable Sound Level

Noises or Visuals to Prepare for: N/A
